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Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk - Jackson, MI

Sat May 17, 2025 Jackson, MI 49203 US Directions


Adult Registration

$35 8:30AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 16, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 18+.

First Responders & Military Registration

$30 8:30AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 16, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 18+.

Child Registration 13 to 17 yrs

$20 8:30AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 16, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 13 - 17.

Child Registration 12 & Under

$10 8:30AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT Price increases after April 16, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 12 and under.


1401 S. Brown Street
Jackson, MI US 49203


What is a Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk?
The Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk Series was created to honor the heroic life and death of Stephen Siller, a New York City firefighter (FDNY) who lost his life on September 11, 2001 after strapping on his gear and running through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel to the Twin Towers. 

Honor all of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and support our first responders and military who make extraordinary sacrifices in the line of duty! For more information on the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation please visit

This will be the eighth year for the Tunnel to Towers Jackson 5K which draws runners and walkers from all over Michigan!   

How far is a Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk?
This is a 5K (approx 3.1 miles). You are welcome to walk or run this event.

What time does the 5K begin?
Pre-event run festivities will begin at 8:00 am including registration, vendors and more!  The actual run will begin with the starting line opening at 9:11 for all runners. Opening and Memorial Ceremonies will begin at 8:30 am.  

Where can I pick up my packet?

Packets can be picked up on Friday May 16, 2025 at the Blackman-Leoni Dept. of Public Safety Headquarters.  1996 W. Parnall Rd, Jackson, MI 49201  between 4pm – 7pm.

Packets can also be picked up on the day of the event at the registration tent at the Cascades Falls. The address to the Cascades Falls Park is: 1401 S Brown St, Jackson, MI 49203.  

Can I register the day of the run?
Yes. Registration will open at 8 a.m. on the day of the race. There will be a tent by the starting line, which is where the race begins and ends. We encourage you to register online early to save - if you wait until the day of the event to register you’ll pay $10 more. 

When does online registration close?
Online registration will close on May 16, 2025

Do I have to wear my bib number?
Yes, please display your bib on the front of your outermost garment. Those who run without a bib will be asked to leave the course and will not be allowed to finish.

I am a fast runner. Can I get a front line position?
Runners predicting a pace faster than 6 minute/mile will be allowed to the front, following the first responders in uniform.

Will water be available?
Yes, water stations will be available along the route and there will be water available at the Start/Finish Line.

What can you bring to the event?  Can I run with a stroller, backpack, wheelchair, roller blades, dogs, bicycle, etc?
Strollers and wheelchairs are permitted. Firefighter turnout gear and military backpacks are also permitted and encouraged! Please leave all personal items and valuables in your vehicle.  All items should be stored securely at the owner's risk. The Tunnel to Towers Foundation will not be responsible for the loss of any items.

If I have a backpack, what do I do with it?
Please leave all personal items and valuables in your vehicle. All items should be stored securely at the owner's risk. The Tunnel to Towers Foundation will not be responsible for the loss of any items.

Does my registration fee count towards my fundraising goal?
Your registration fee does not count toward the fundraising goal.

Can someone else pick up my packet for me?
Yes, they can. They must present a copy of your registration receipt. And don't forget to thank them!

Can I still donate to a team and/or individual after the start of the race?
Yes. Donations will be accepted for 6 weeks after the event.

How can my company/organization sponsor this event?
Please send all sponsorship correspondence to with your contact information and someone will be in touch with you within 24 hours.

I would like to donate goods or services to this event. How do I do that?
You can contact us at We make every effort to keep costs down to allow us to give the most to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation in Stephen Siller's name. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.

As a participant, can I fundraise/encourage others to donate?
Yes! Once you are registered, you will be given directions to start your own fundraising page and you will be able to accept donations online. Do you want to donate cash/money?  We can help you with that. Contact us at and we can walk you through the process or you can send donations directly to 2361 Hylan Boulevard., Staten Island, NY 10306 - please give us your information so we can add it to your fundraising page.


Does my registration fee count towards my fundraising goal?
Registration fees help offset some of the expenses associated with making the Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk one of the country’s greatest annual events, however your fundraising efforts enable us to continue to make a difference in the lives of so many in need.

To show our appreciation for your time, passion, and effort, we recognize each fundraising milestone that is reached with prizes branded with the Tunnel to Towers logo.

What are the fundraising levels & prizes?


Join us as we Remember and Honor all lost during the 24th Anniversary year of the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001!  Help us #DOGOOD & #NEVERFORGET

Run & Walk Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Run & Walk, click the button below.

National Sponsors

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